
for the NMI Summit 2023

Welcome to the NMI Summit 2023 – Microbiome, Gut and Systemic Health: New Frontiers in Personalised Nutrition.

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Conference Brochure

Speaker Notes

Sponsor Talks

Conference Brochure:

View conference only information and offers from our sponsors

Speaker Notes:

Dr. Gerard Mullin, MD

Opening Keynote Presentation

Day 1 – Nutritional Modulation of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Session 7

Day 2 – Nutritional Modulation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Professor Glenn Gibson, PhD

Session 2

Day 1 – Gut Microbiome Primer: An Alphabet of Gut Microbiology

Session 8

Day 2 – Prebiotics and Probiotics in Health and Disease: Current Clinical Science

Dr. Amrita Vijay, PhD

Session 3

Day 1 – The Role of the Gut in Modulating Systemic Inflammation

Session 9

Day 2 – Practical Considerations when Designing and Interpreting Human Prebiotic and Probiotic Intervention Studies 

Justine Bold, BA (hons)

Session 4

Day 1 – Gluten intolerance, Coeliac Disease and the Microbiome

Session 10

Day 2 – Chronic Pain Management, the Microbiome, and Nutritional Interventions

Dr. Indra Barathan, MBBS

Session 5

Day 1 – Root Causes of Bowel Issues: Getting Back to Basics 

Dr. Miguel Toribio-Mateas, ProfD

Session 6

Day 1 – Lived Experience and the Gut-Brain Axis: a Trauma-Informed Approach to Mental Wellbeing from the Gut Up 

Dr. Jonathan Sutton, MBcHB

Session 11

Day 2 – Poo Transplants: Pros and Cons of Faecal Microbial Transplantation (FMT)

Benjamin Brown, ND

Session 12

Day 2 – Therapeutic Diets and Food for Gut Health: Benefits, Risks and Personalisation

Supplementary File

Therapeutic Diets and Food for Gut Health Supplementary File 

Sponsor Talks:

Doctors Data and Regenerus

Exploring the GI360 by Doctor’s Data-Expert Insights and Case Study Analysis

Sponsored by Viridian

Phil Beard, MsC

Diversity Matters: Our Skin, Longevity and the Microbiome 

Sponsored by Pure Encapsulations

Samuel F. Yanuck

Turning the Tide in GI Immunology: Causes, Clues, Clinical Strategies